Hello again,1350 words approx, sorry I lost count ....... Short to medium read ... grab a coffee and snuggle up.... It's almost the end of another amazing week for me, thank you to all clients for your support and in the wonderful feeling of being able to continue to be of assistance to so many. I decided to wear no make up for this pic, it seems funny how we place so much society value on how women look rather than what they think and achieve. Besides, I don't think make up is entirely compulsory until men start wearing it and strutting some really awkwardly high Jimmy Choo's. Are you old enough? |
I believe success has more of an internal measure than the outward. If you do what you believe in and in a way you can be happy, you will be able to sustain it far longer than doing what your heart just isn't into and what you don't have an aptitude and desire for. But if you don't love what you are doing and you can't change it right now, you can always find a way to make it fun if you choose to. You can focus on what good does come out of it, and bring more of that goodness your way... |
You can study a hobby, course, or qualification outside of hours part time so you aren't bogged down in overtaxing your mind 24/7. Then you still have something to look forward to outside of working hours that reminds you that there is a life outside that you can be part of.

Even in the most mind-numbingly boring of tasks I had to do within otherwise interesting jobs in my past corporate career, I used to create my own entertainment. Of course no one else knew why I was so happy, upbeat, and looking a bit amused. And really, it probably was just as well… But hey, it worked! Something like that just could work for you too. The easiest way to be happy in what you are doing is to start being grateful that at least you have that job, you have your health, you are in a western society in 2014, with many amenities and opportunities, and to stop comparing yourself to others, stop envying what you THINK they have got...
Part of being content about where and who you are is in realizing that we all have challenges, and that its entirely possible you have no idea what it took for someone else to be where they are, what they are going through, and what else they have dealt with. We all have challenges in life, part of mastering yours is in not projecting onto others your perception of it somehow being easier for anyone else, and instead produce results and fun in your own life. It’s Something to consider :-) |
I would like to leave you with a quote from Maya Angelou...
"Success is liking yourself,
Liking what you do
and liking how you do it."
And I honestly believe in that idea myself.
I hope you all have a brilliant weekend
Lots of Love
Jacquelene Close Moore
"Success is liking yourself,
Liking what you do
and liking how you do it."
And I honestly believe in that idea myself.
I hope you all have a brilliant weekend
Lots of Love
Jacquelene Close Moore
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