for when shift is happening
If you always do what you have always done, if that's working for you, great keep doing it ...
But, if not... Shall we look at the challenges as opportunities for a new vision, and a new approach? It's your choice
But, if not... Shall we look at the challenges as opportunities for a new vision, and a new approach? It's your choice
Insights from a new angle
Life, direction, business, personal, career, spirituality Private consults in person, via phone, video calls, and online Group bookings, private functions, public event appearances Mentoring, Healing, Clearing, Readings, Classes, Digital Media Clients from over 80 countries worldwide since 1995 In person, by phone, video call, and online The first few minutes of any paid reading are obligation free and open to refund, when you continue beyond that, you only pay for the amount of time you booked, it's that simple, and that clear. Unsolicited client feedback is at the bottom of this page. Hard copies of unsolicited client feedback viewable by request, so you can see it's all real. Only make a booking when you feel drawn, comfortable, and ready Aren't interested in Jacquelene's services, for cultural or any other reasons? Jacquelene's spiritual work is part of her cultural background, and, Jacquelene respects your rights, your choices, and your culture. PAID SERVICES
Melbourne CBD Whittlesea Township Public Event Appearances Australia- wide, and internationally by prior arrangement |
Tel : 1300760651 Text : 0439488558 |