Professionalism and ethical self promotion on the internet
"I find all people deeply inspirational,
Some inspire me to write poetry
Others inspire me to be a far better person
Yet others inspire me to consider what is in my drinks cabinet, but luckily, I allow none of them to make me part take of it's contents."
Jacquelene Close Moore
Jacquelene stands strongly against cyber bullying, and feels that sort of completely transparent and unethical tactic is only employed by people who
So, do you think it's ok to be a bully, and what do you consider ethical in business?
Why not let us know here....
- Have no faith in their work, one's own work should speak for itself
- May be suffering insecurity and ethics issues, blurring their judgement
- May not be focused on actually doing their best for your reading...Remember that what people will say, do, or allow to be said or done to others they will most likely say, do, or allow to be said or done the same to you
- Are seriously disrespecting potential clients through demonstrating they don't think that genuinely observant people can, (psychic or not), follow the ID profiles, see their ID activity*** of those profiles and read between the very obvious lines of a 'fair go' that have been crossed and trampled. (***Where their commentary activity in such forums isn't blocked from view, and if it is blocked that should also be yet another red flag)
So, do you think it's ok to be a bully, and what do you consider ethical in business?
Why not let us know here....
There now, that was cathartic, wasn't it?
Now from some words for Dear Winston,(below) someone whose views I don't always agree with about everything, yet whom I can respect. links to the originals attached........
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Winston Churchill
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Winston Churchill