Healing, Clearing, Rituals - and "Evil Eye"
Fees for healing, clearing, and pampering sessions are below.
Fees for ritual, space clearing for homes and more are given upon enquiry.
Fees for ritual, space clearing for homes and more are given upon enquiry.
For healing sessions for clearing your energy
Jacquelene combines Shamanic Healing with Reiki, energy and chakra balancing, space clearing, crystals, color and sound therapy, ritual, herbs and other tools.
Prepare for your booking
Wear comfortable clothing and make sure you take it easy for the rest of the day to best integrate the energy. After your appointment, drink plenty of water, and take a gentle walk in peaceful surroundings for best results.
Appointment times
Pamperfest... Healing and reading usually 90 minutes, however allow up to 2 hours
Healing.... Usually an hour, however allow up to 90 mins.
Both are charged at a flat fee., see below
This service is offered in person at South Yarra.
Herbal healing sachets, resins, crystals, and candles are available to compliment your healing session.
For healing sessions for clearing your energy
- For clients having trouble with personal clarity or trying to disengage from highly toxic relationships.
- For grounding, transformation, cutting toxic ties, refocusing, and energy clearing.
- For empowerment and to begin your healing journey
Jacquelene combines Shamanic Healing with Reiki, energy and chakra balancing, space clearing, crystals, color and sound therapy, ritual, herbs and other tools.
Prepare for your booking
Wear comfortable clothing and make sure you take it easy for the rest of the day to best integrate the energy. After your appointment, drink plenty of water, and take a gentle walk in peaceful surroundings for best results.
Appointment times
Pamperfest... Healing and reading usually 90 minutes, however allow up to 2 hours
Healing.... Usually an hour, however allow up to 90 mins.
Both are charged at a flat fee., see below
This service is offered in person at South Yarra.
Herbal healing sachets, resins, crystals, and candles are available to compliment your healing session.
Space Clearings
Available mobile to your home, office, shop, warehouse or construction site.
Jacquelene performs space clearing and energy balancing on home, offices and warehouses to clear out stuck or blocked energy, and increase positive chi flow. This is to rebalance energy and create a peaceful, sacred space in which everyone can feel more relaxed, focused, and productive., Putting the zing back in.
Time Allow between 30 minutes and 3 hours depending on your site.
Where Available Australia wide or globally in person or as needed.
Ask for a quote.
Ritual for empowerment and cutting toxic ties
Guidance for ritual as well as ritual workings for clearing, and cutting toxic ties is available by prior arrangement and discussion.
This involves a multi-disciplinary techniques, energy and chakra clearing.
You will be given tools and guidance on how to remain clear.
If you are concerned that you or someone close to you has been "taken over" by a negative energy, presences, or spirit, please get in touch with Jacquelene for more information.
Available mobile to your home, office, shop, warehouse or construction site.
Jacquelene performs space clearing and energy balancing on home, offices and warehouses to clear out stuck or blocked energy, and increase positive chi flow. This is to rebalance energy and create a peaceful, sacred space in which everyone can feel more relaxed, focused, and productive., Putting the zing back in.
Time Allow between 30 minutes and 3 hours depending on your site.
Where Available Australia wide or globally in person or as needed.
Ask for a quote.
Ritual for empowerment and cutting toxic ties
Guidance for ritual as well as ritual workings for clearing, and cutting toxic ties is available by prior arrangement and discussion.
This involves a multi-disciplinary techniques, energy and chakra clearing.
You will be given tools and guidance on how to remain clear.
If you are concerned that you or someone close to you has been "taken over" by a negative energy, presences, or spirit, please get in touch with Jacquelene for more information.
About Evil Eye, Clearing Negative Energies, And Psychic Attack
Sometimes people have a variety of difficult scenarios happening all at once and jump the conclusion they are under attack from someone else, or that they have been cursed. A lot can be going on, most can be identified, however actual cases of ritualised psychic attack are incredibly rare.
It is advisable in all matters relating to the possibility of curses to first visit your trusted family doctor to rule out any possible neurological and emotional probabilities, to see if your symptoms and circumstances have no logical, medical reason for being. At times people have an underlying mental illness, or major trauma in their life that has not been addressed, and are more likely to be the most adamant towards any psychic, healer or ritual worker that they are cursed, despite the practitioner not having had a chance to assess and declare that yet.
Sometimes people have a variety of difficult scenarios happening all at once and jump the conclusion they are under attack from someone else, or that they have been cursed. A lot can be going on, most can be identified, however actual cases of ritualised psychic attack are incredibly rare.
It is advisable in all matters relating to the possibility of curses to first visit your trusted family doctor to rule out any possible neurological and emotional probabilities, to see if your symptoms and circumstances have no logical, medical reason for being. At times people have an underlying mental illness, or major trauma in their life that has not been addressed, and are more likely to be the most adamant towards any psychic, healer or ritual worker that they are cursed, despite the practitioner not having had a chance to assess and declare that yet.
Things you can to to help yourself
The worst kind of psychic attack is that which people do towards themselves, but they often don't realise that this is what they are doing.
If we think of the idea of someone cursing someone else, it is usually that they were terribly offended, or possibly simply they might actually just be offensive.
They either have been deeply hurt by us, or they are simply walking around in a place of hatred and inflicted that energy in our direction.
If you think about it, if you look at how you might have done something you need to change, that is always a good start.
Jacquelene suggests that if they have actually told you they are cursing you, that you don't talk to them again.
If they haven't told you that, avoid jumping to conclusions.
Why? Judgement creates an energy which attracts more of the same right back at you, and then it becomes heavy and obstructive.
Now, ask yourself : -
1. How did you upset them? 2. How can you change what you are doing to do better? 3. Can you send healing to the connection between you and them, without engaging with them? 4. How can you practice letting go and finding a positive purpose to direct your energy towards right now?
If you stop trying to control and know more about them, you release the connection they formed with you. There is also a clearing ritual Jacquelene can perform in an appointment and direct to that which helps you achieve a greater disconnect from them and allows you to move on. But if you change your thinking, intentions, and the intent and energies you put out there yourself, that goes a very long way.
You see, people won't be able to permanently fixate on you if you aren't also fixating on them.
While specific ritual and clearings can clear and protect your energy and be a lot like hitting the "reset" button, your attitude from then onward from there determines whether you need one session or more. No guarantees can be given with this type of work, because every client and every case is different.
Just remember that energy directed at you only becomes and issue if you play into it... If you do not invalidate a person or a thing, what they do, say, or intend towards that energy cannot stick to you for very long, and if you hold your own centre, you become like teflon in the face of such attempts.
Working in this field since 1995, Jacquelene has found ways of detecting and clearing energies. She finds that if you are in the right space in the first place, you won't be anywhere near as open to negativity...
Nor will you be as strongly affected by other people's energies, and will instead rise to the top of your own life goals, You remain resilient, not allowing yourself to become lost or interrupted, regardless of other people's feelings, words, or actions toward you.
If you feel harassed by someone else's thoughts and feelings toward you, start by placing yourself in their shoes first, and see yourself from their view for a moment. Is there still nothing at all you need to change? There is no case of one person being 100 % wrong and the other being 100% right, Nor 100% good, nor 100% evil.
Even if there is the tiniest speck of humanity in the other person, you can still transform your energy and the entire dynamics of the situation. This concept and the rituals surrounding it is something Jacquelene can introduce to you, but if you have been reading this and it applies to you, you need to be willing to transform and empower yourself as well.
The worst kind of psychic attack is that which people do towards themselves, but they often don't realise that this is what they are doing.
If we think of the idea of someone cursing someone else, it is usually that they were terribly offended, or possibly simply they might actually just be offensive.
They either have been deeply hurt by us, or they are simply walking around in a place of hatred and inflicted that energy in our direction.
If you think about it, if you look at how you might have done something you need to change, that is always a good start.
Jacquelene suggests that if they have actually told you they are cursing you, that you don't talk to them again.
If they haven't told you that, avoid jumping to conclusions.
Why? Judgement creates an energy which attracts more of the same right back at you, and then it becomes heavy and obstructive.
Now, ask yourself : -
1. How did you upset them? 2. How can you change what you are doing to do better? 3. Can you send healing to the connection between you and them, without engaging with them? 4. How can you practice letting go and finding a positive purpose to direct your energy towards right now?
If you stop trying to control and know more about them, you release the connection they formed with you. There is also a clearing ritual Jacquelene can perform in an appointment and direct to that which helps you achieve a greater disconnect from them and allows you to move on. But if you change your thinking, intentions, and the intent and energies you put out there yourself, that goes a very long way.
You see, people won't be able to permanently fixate on you if you aren't also fixating on them.
While specific ritual and clearings can clear and protect your energy and be a lot like hitting the "reset" button, your attitude from then onward from there determines whether you need one session or more. No guarantees can be given with this type of work, because every client and every case is different.
Just remember that energy directed at you only becomes and issue if you play into it... If you do not invalidate a person or a thing, what they do, say, or intend towards that energy cannot stick to you for very long, and if you hold your own centre, you become like teflon in the face of such attempts.
Working in this field since 1995, Jacquelene has found ways of detecting and clearing energies. She finds that if you are in the right space in the first place, you won't be anywhere near as open to negativity...
Nor will you be as strongly affected by other people's energies, and will instead rise to the top of your own life goals, You remain resilient, not allowing yourself to become lost or interrupted, regardless of other people's feelings, words, or actions toward you.
If you feel harassed by someone else's thoughts and feelings toward you, start by placing yourself in their shoes first, and see yourself from their view for a moment. Is there still nothing at all you need to change? There is no case of one person being 100 % wrong and the other being 100% right, Nor 100% good, nor 100% evil.
Even if there is the tiniest speck of humanity in the other person, you can still transform your energy and the entire dynamics of the situation. This concept and the rituals surrounding it is something Jacquelene can introduce to you, but if you have been reading this and it applies to you, you need to be willing to transform and empower yourself as well.
Jacquelene’s Healing Credentials
Jacquelene walks the shamanic pathway and also works with alchemy in herbs, colour, candles, symbolism, sigils, and various dimensional realms and energies form the elemental to the angelic and master energies in clearing rituals. A qualified Reiki Master/Teacher (over 3 years training before 1 year Mastery Training, a qualification she attained in 1998), Jacquelene has also trained in Accelerated learning, Spiritual Healing, Meditation Instruction Training, CCH Ear Candling Practitioner, Certificate of Remedial Massage, Indian Head Massage,
Medical Terminology, as well as studying in her with her Aunt in her Spiritual Development Circle (included medium-ship, psychometry and so on). Jacquelene also studied Numerology, Tarot and Tarot's link to the Kabbala Tree of Life, Aura Soma Colour Therapy, Flower Essences, Chakra Balancing, Intuitive Healing, Chinese and Western Astrology. And learnt tea cup reading from her grandparents as a young child.
Jacquelene walks the shamanic pathway and also works with alchemy in herbs, colour, candles, symbolism, sigils, and various dimensional realms and energies form the elemental to the angelic and master energies in clearing rituals. A qualified Reiki Master/Teacher (over 3 years training before 1 year Mastery Training, a qualification she attained in 1998), Jacquelene has also trained in Accelerated learning, Spiritual Healing, Meditation Instruction Training, CCH Ear Candling Practitioner, Certificate of Remedial Massage, Indian Head Massage,
Medical Terminology, as well as studying in her with her Aunt in her Spiritual Development Circle (included medium-ship, psychometry and so on). Jacquelene also studied Numerology, Tarot and Tarot's link to the Kabbala Tree of Life, Aura Soma Colour Therapy, Flower Essences, Chakra Balancing, Intuitive Healing, Chinese and Western Astrology. And learnt tea cup reading from her grandparents as a young child.