For Private Parties At Home, In Office Readings, Ballroom, Or Public Expos
Melbourne Based Psychic, Medium, Empath, Jacquelene Close Moore
Is Available For Parties And Events Australia wide And Internationally
Melbourne Based Psychic, Medium, Empath, Jacquelene Close Moore
Is Available For Parties And Events Australia wide And Internationally
Booking your private, non-commercial group booking
Melbourne : at 120 Collins Street Click here to see availabilities, fees, and to book.
Greater Melbourne : at a mutually agreed venue, within 100kms of Melbourne CBD, text 61439488558 ( see below) or call 1300760651
Regional and Australia wide :
At a mutually agreed, venue, Jacquelene can travel local to you, and will often pick up other bookings once announcing travel to an area.
Fees may vary due to travel times, and differing travel costs, and accommodation, from area to area,
text 61439488558 ( see below) or call 1300760651
Or, organise a group booking closer to you, within 50kms of the location Jacquelene is appearing at while on tour locally to you.
See here for Jacquelene's tour dates and locations
Note : some dates may not appear as available on the calendar, but may still be possible. Get in touch.
Greater Melbourne : at a mutually agreed venue, within 100kms of Melbourne CBD, text 61439488558 ( see below) or call 1300760651
Regional and Australia wide :
At a mutually agreed, venue, Jacquelene can travel local to you, and will often pick up other bookings once announcing travel to an area.
Fees may vary due to travel times, and differing travel costs, and accommodation, from area to area,
text 61439488558 ( see below) or call 1300760651
Or, organise a group booking closer to you, within 50kms of the location Jacquelene is appearing at while on tour locally to you.
See here for Jacquelene's tour dates and locations
Note : some dates may not appear as available on the calendar, but may still be possible. Get in touch.
For commercial or public events, or to receive a specialised quote
Send an email, here
Or send a text or mms to 61439488558, with the following :
Your name
The contact name for the event and contact number
Best times to reach you or them
Email address
Preferred date and commencement time,
Whether the date and time are fixed or flexible
Event type : e.g Birthday, hens, baby shower, annual event, or because we felt like it
Number of guests attending
Note : Readings will not be given to guests under the age of 18
Adress for event
Is this a venue or a private home or office?
Total event appearance duration ( 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, half day, full day, multiple days)
Preferred individual readings duration (5mins, 10mins, 25mins, 45 mins, or 1 hour each)
Do you want as many readings as possible in the time, or a set number of readings
Reading style preference : 1 to 1, or a talk and randomly selecting people from the audience, or a bit of both
Do you want a mini workshop included?
Thanks for your time and interest
Or send a text or mms to 61439488558, with the following :
Your name
The contact name for the event and contact number
Best times to reach you or them
Email address
Preferred date and commencement time,
Whether the date and time are fixed or flexible
Event type : e.g Birthday, hens, baby shower, annual event, or because we felt like it
Number of guests attending
Note : Readings will not be given to guests under the age of 18
Adress for event
Is this a venue or a private home or office?
Total event appearance duration ( 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, half day, full day, multiple days)
Preferred individual readings duration (5mins, 10mins, 25mins, 45 mins, or 1 hour each)
Do you want as many readings as possible in the time, or a set number of readings
Reading style preference : 1 to 1, or a talk and randomly selecting people from the audience, or a bit of both
Do you want a mini workshop included?
Thanks for your time and interest