Ethics, what are they and why are they needed? by Jacquelene Close Moore
This is my own professional code of ethics that I work by
This is how I see it and how I work. Blessings, Jacquelene
This is my own professional code of ethics that I work by
- Age of consent
I do not knowlingly accept booking requests from people under 18 years of age if in Australia, or the age of consent relevant to the client's country.
- Real readings
Doing all I can to minimise opportunities to be over exposed to a client's energy and personality before a reading goes ahead. Advising people not to tell me too much about themselves when they are insistent on speaking with me in order to book. I cannot accept reading requests where the client has overshared before an appointment. Guiding such clients to wait at least twelve months, and if doing so, to not mention or make obvious that we have been through this before until the conclusion of their reading.
Only giving guidance that is qualified and within a skill set that is being worked from, referring to other businesses who offer different services where necessary. - Nurturing, non-judgemental, equality and respect
Charging professional fees for time but not ridiculous sums of money.
Creating a client consultation space that will be comfortable, inviting, and nurturing.
Accepting, respecting, non-judgmental, and supportive towards a client's current life issues, circumstances and current level of awareness, while helping them within that framework.
Being totally okay with ALL people- which of course also includes LGBTIQA, pan, etc, and all other cultural or racial walks of life from across Australia and around the world - who respectfully request my services.
Being as reliable to agreements made as possible.
Sending love or shutting down a connection (as relevant) instead of returning fire upon people who lash out towards me out of insecurity.
In most cases speaking to a person the same way as I speak about a person, (except for matters of safety)
Not entertaining or participating in gossip or negative talk from clients or professionals about other professionals, and redirecting genuine complainants to relevant bodies. Understanding that no one is perfect, that as we all reach for perfection in our own ways, we are all equally important. - Empowering with truth
Helping the vulnerable but not helping oneself to the vulnerable.
Dealing with difficult topics with compassion and empowerment to support the client to find peace, or face facts - where relevant- in a more empowered, positive and realistically oriented manner.
Giving the reading as faithfully as possible to the message provided by spirit through which ever form has been directed at that time for that particular client. Refusing bookings where it is clear that this will not be possible for whatever reason. - Confidential
I do not give information about one person's reading to another. Do not book me in hopes of asking me about another client.
I avoid giving people information they may be intending to use to hurt another, I do my best to recognize when that is the client's intention.
It is to maintain your confidentiality that I invite you to challenge, question, or seek clarification of anything I have said during the appointment at the time of your appointment because I have trained myself to not recall any details of what I have said during your reading.
As I can at times meet up to 100 people in a week through private one to one readings, through appearing and giving audience readings at shows and one to one readings at public events and meetings, I may well not recall you after your booking. It is not out of a lack of care, but precisely both due to the volume of work I do and because I care for each client that consults me that I have that discipline of forgetting readings as a practice within the work I do. - Tact and care for the bigger picture
Not giving public predictions about missing persons cases, and in fact only working on cases where the family of the missing person have sought me out and under strict conditions. Where aware of it, not associating with practitioners who do not respect this point in relation to its affect on the families involved.
That the ends are not more important than the means and that allowing oneself success is fine but not by stepping over others to get there.
Not predicting "death or disaster" in appointments, but dealing with difficult events in as positive a manner as possible. (And, in the case of a terminally ill person in palliative care for instance), handling the topic of death in a manner that helps them feel at ease. - Clients with conflicted intentions
Refusing requests to cast nuisance spells, curses and 'revenge spells' or "love spells to reunite people" (who might not want reuniting) on any one.
I do not accept bookings where I am aware of an obvious conflict of interest for a client. ( e.g an ex-partner seeking a reading about a person who is an already existing client where the new client knows which psychic the existing client sees or where the new client has been served with a restraining order by the existing client.)
Avoiding giving readings to people who act in a very nasty or aggressive manner, or present as deeply confused or in deep crisis that may be better served by other services, where this seems very apparent.
This is how I see it and how I work. Blessings, Jacquelene